Loan Protection Insurance
Protect your loan against unforeseen events.
Having your loan repaid in the event of your death means your family won't have to worry about the repayments themselves. They'll have enough to deal with as it is.
We can also help cover your loan repayments if you are unfit to work or if you've been made bankrupt.
Claims are processed quickly and premiums reduce each month as your loan balance reduces.
Cover can be applied for at the time of signing up for your personal loan, so talk to your lending consultant about which covers may be right for you. Cover is optional and subject to underwriting. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Cover Summary
● Death benefit: life insurance to the value of the loan outstanding
● Disability benefit: payment of loan instalments if unfit for work for 7 days or more
● Critical Illness benefit: lump sum payment of $10,000 for a trauma event
● Bankruptcy benefit: payment of 6 months loan instalments if made bankrupt
● Hospital Cash benefit: daily payment if hospitalised for 7 nights or more