FCU donates $5,000 to Gumboot Friday

First Credit Union makes $5,000 donation to Gumboot Friday

Friday 4th November 2022

First Credit Union (FCU) today announced that they are donating $5,000 to Gumboot Friday. 

In addition to this donation, General Manager, Simon Scott, said that FCU’s branches and staff will also be supporting the cause by way of branch donations on Friday the 4th of November.

Gumboot Friday is a bi-annual fundraising and awareness campaign that aims to raise funds for FREE and timely counselling for young people.

Simon said “It’s no secret that the public mental health service is under immense pressure and unfortunately this means that some of our young people aren’t receiving the support they need in a timely manner.”

“Many of our staff members have young families and feel strongly about supporting a cause like Gumboot Friday.”

“At FCU, our members and the communities that we serve come first. We hope that with these donations we can make a difference to some young New Zealanders and their families who may otherwise have missed out on counselling services.”

General Manager Simon Scott with Elsie Van Nierkerk, Ata Green and Kayla Kennedy from FCU's Hamilton Branch